Useability principles: principles used to improve the user experience. Some sample user interfaces:

UI - browse items (desktop).pdf

UI - browse items (mobile).pdf

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  • Useability Principles
    • accessibility
      • ability to be used by many different people, even people with disabilities
    • effectiveness
      • ability of users to use the system to do the work they need to do, includes reliability
    • safety
      • ability for users to make errors and recover from the mistake
    • utility
      • ability of the system to provide all the functionality that users need
    • learnability
      • how easy a system is to learn
Useability Principlesaccessibilityability to be used by many different people, even people with disabilitieseffectivenessability of users to use the system to do the work they need to do, includes reliabilitysafetyability for users to make errors and recover from the mistakeutilityability of the system to provide all the functionality that users needlearnabilityhow easy a system is to learn

useability - able or fit to be used; judged by the useability principles of efficiency accessibility(?), effectiveness, safety, utility and learnability

useability principles - principles used to improve the user experience, including

user experience - those aspects that affect how an end user interacts with digital systems such as visual, interface and navigation design, user needs, and functional and content requirements; this is determined by improving the solution’s useability based on the useability principles of accessibility, effectiveness, safety, utility and learnability (VCAA, 2014)


Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority, “Digital Solutions 2019 v1.2 General Senior Syllabus”. (2019).
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